Casement, Sliding, Awning... A Window Guide

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Casement, Sliding, Awning... A Window Guide

How many different styles of windows can you name? Most people are really familiar with casement and hung windows. Of course, there are multiple types of hung windows, including single and double hung. There are also some lesser-known window types, such as awning windows, which fold upward like an awning over the window opening. Of course, there is more to know about windows than a list of the various styles. You can learn about the different types of glass window makers use, how to find insulting windows, and how to better clean your windows. This blog is a perfect place to start your learning.


Keep Pests Out Of Your Home With The Installation Of New Windows

9 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Having new windows installed can be one of the most effective ways of keeping pests out of your home, making it a good thing to consider as you look for updates to make. If you have been experiencing a problem with ants, termites, or other pests, it's best to explore what kinds of new windows are going to be the best investment for keeping pests out. Prioritize Weatherproof Sealing The first thing you want to check as you look for new windows is weatherproof sealing. Read More …

Shutter Guide to Update Your Home With Attractive and Functional Features

11 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Shutters can be a great investment to add attractive and functional features to your home. Today, these improvements can be traditional shutters or modern designs. You may want to know the different options when it comes to installing new shutters. The following shutter guide will help you add these attractive and functional features to your home: 1. Adding Shutters for Attractive Interior Designs Your home's interior design is one of the first areas where you may want to consider adding shutters. Read More …

What To Know Before Buying Window Replacements For A Tiny Home

7 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

One of the unique features of a tiny home is that most of the building components and supplies are smaller-scale compared to traditional home building supplies. This is true when it comes to doors, sinks, appliances, and windows. If you are facing the need for a window replacement in your tiny home, there are a few things you need to consider. Installation Considerations The first thing you will need to consider is window installation. Read More …

4 Types Of Commercial Window Film That Will Assist With Heat Reduction

2 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to reduce the heat that drives up the energy costs inside of your commercial building, one way to do that is by adding the right window tint to your windows. There are four different types of commercial window tinting film that can help with your heat-reduction goals. Commercial Reflective Window Film The first type of film to consider is commercial reflective window film. It is designed to block a significant amount of heat and reduce glare as well. Read More …

Prepare Your Home For A Holiday Decorating Contest

9 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

A neighborhood holiday light contest that boasts a cash prize and bragging rights may entice you to go 'all out' this year. If installing lights is something that you previously limited to indoor projects, it is time to get ready for an alternate setup, which includes using colorful light strings, shiny foil paper, and 3-dimensional decorations. Cleaning Lights will be enjoyed mostly at night, but if you have little ones who like to peer out the windows or if you are going to be using a lot of colorful adornments, which can be enjoyed both day and night, clean windowpanes, siding, and door materials is a must. Read More …