Casement, Sliding, Awning... A Window Guide

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Casement, Sliding, Awning... A Window Guide

How many different styles of windows can you name? Most people are really familiar with casement and hung windows. Of course, there are multiple types of hung windows, including single and double hung. There are also some lesser-known window types, such as awning windows, which fold upward like an awning over the window opening. Of course, there is more to know about windows than a list of the various styles. You can learn about the different types of glass window makers use, how to find insulting windows, and how to better clean your windows. This blog is a perfect place to start your learning.


Why Window Replacement Should be High on Your Home Improvement List

27 October 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your home is where you spend your most valuable time with your loved ones, and it's important to keep it safe and comfortable. One of the most essential parts of your home is the windows. Not only do they protect you from harsh elements, but they also provide natural light and ventilation. If you've been considering home improvement, window replacement should be high on your list. This post covers all the reasons why. Read More …

The Science Of Soundproofing: Quieter Living With Replacement Windows

5 September 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Ever wished for a more peaceful home? Soundproofing can turn that wish into a reality, all thanks to replacement windows. In this blog, dive into the fascinating world of soundproofing, explaining how upgrading your windows can lead to a quieter and more enjoyable environment. Understanding Sound Transmission To grasp soundproofing, it's crucial to understand how sound travels. Sound waves move through the air and, when they encounter a surface, they can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. Read More …

Should You Get Motorized Windows?

7 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Motorized window blinds operate using a remote or wall switch instead of the cords associated with traditional window blinds. Homeowners can also set automatic controls that don't require human interaction at all. But are motorized windows right for you? Learn more about how you may be able to benefit from motorized blinds. Convenience  It can be difficult to open and close the shades when you need to, especially if your windows are large. Read More …

Weather The Storm: Why Hurricane Doors Are A Wise Investment

18 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to keeping your home safe from the devastating impact of hurricanes and severe storms, investing in hurricane doors is a smart decision. These specialized doors are designed to withstand high winds, flying debris, and other destructive forces, providing you and your family with enhanced safety and peace of mind. You never know when the next huge storm is going to hit your city or suburb, and the last thing you want to do is regret not buying protective doors that could have kept you safe. Read More …

Should You Repair Or Replace A Window?

28 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to window repair and replacement decisions, there can be some edge cases where the choice isn't self-evident. If you're deciding between repairing and replacing a window, look at the following factors. Age Window replacement makes more sense when you're dealing with an older window. Particularly if there's nothing special about the window, replacing it may be the best plan even if it has minimal damage or mechanical issues. Read More …