Casement, Sliding, Awning... A Window Guide

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Casement, Sliding, Awning... A Window Guide

How many different styles of windows can you name? Most people are really familiar with casement and hung windows. Of course, there are multiple types of hung windows, including single and double hung. There are also some lesser-known window types, such as awning windows, which fold upward like an awning over the window opening. Of course, there is more to know about windows than a list of the various styles. You can learn about the different types of glass window makers use, how to find insulting windows, and how to better clean your windows. This blog is a perfect place to start your learning.


How To Dramatically Save Energy With Automated Motorized Shades

27 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Getting motorized window shades for your home is about more than simple convenience. They can also go a long way to helping to reduce your energy consumption and keeping your heating and cooling bills to a minimum. If you've put off the idea of getting custom motorized shades because you figured they weren't worth the cost, then think again. Here's how they can help you. Smart Shades Custom motorized shades are made just for your windows so that they fit the length and width perfectly. Read More …

Avoid Pricey Insulation Issues By Having The Right Windows Installed

27 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Having your home be poorly insulated can be a big problem when it comes to paying for your energy bill during both the summer and winter. When you're letting the outside temperature affect the interior of your home heavily, you've likely noticed that it's a lot more costly to keep your home comfortable for you and your family. If your current windows are in poor shape and you're interested in having them replaced, you need to see what you should be looking for to avoid issues where your windows could be the source of installation issues. Read More …

Customization Options For New Windows

27 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Homeowners prize windows because they let in so much natural light. When you're building a new house or replacing existing windows, you might not realize how many customization options you have. Those options relate both to the appearance and functionality of your windows. Keep reading for how you can customize your new windows. Window Size When you order fully custom windows, you can have any size you want. Indeed, many modern houses feature entire walls made out of windows. Read More …

4 Siding Installation Improvements To Make New Exterior Finishes Durable And Energy Efficient

24 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Are you planning on installing new siding on your home soon? If you are, there are a lot of choices of materials and improvements that you may want to do. First, you will want to consider improving the underlayments and moisture barrier. You may also want to consider rigid sheathing or foam backing for vinyl materials to improve the strength, as well as sealing around all the cracks to prevent problems. Read More …

3 Reasons To Choose Vinyl Windows

24 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

There are many reasons why you may be thinking about window replacement. Old or damaged windows can have a significant negative impact on your home by decreasing its curb appeal, security, and energy efficiency. If your home's windows are worn-out, it may be time to look into window replacement. Many types of replacement windows may work for your needs, but many homeowners are choosing vinyl. Here are three reasons why vinyl windows may work for your home. Read More …