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Casement, Sliding, Awning... A Window Guide

How many different styles of windows can you name? Most people are really familiar with casement and hung windows. Of course, there are multiple types of hung windows, including single and double hung. There are also some lesser-known window types, such as awning windows, which fold upward like an awning over the window opening. Of course, there is more to know about windows than a list of the various styles. You can learn about the different types of glass window makers use, how to find insulting windows, and how to better clean your windows. This blog is a perfect place to start your learning.


Don’t Buy Off The Rack: Why Choose Custom Window Blinds Instead

11 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're in the market for new window blinds, don't buy them off the rack. You might think that buying mass-produced blinds from the local home improvement center is the way to go, but that's not necessarily the case. You might get your blinds quicker going that route, but that doesn't mean they'll be better. If you want the best window blinds for your home, it's time to take the custom route. Read More …

Protecting Your Car’s Paint

25 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Automotive paint protection films can be a simple addition to make to your vehicle, but they will be able to offer expansive protection for one of the areas of your car that will be the most vulnerable to suffering significant damage. What Are The Reasons Why A Car Owner Should Install A Paint Protection Film On Their Vehicles? The paint of a car is very vulnerable to damage from chips, scratches, and other issues. Read More …

Everything You Should Know About Hurricane Doors

18 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Hurricane doors can help safeguard your home from disastrous storms, tornados, and extreme winds. These doors are reinforced with impact-resistant glass engineered to endure strong forces. Here is a guide on everything you should know about hurricane resistant doors. What Are Hurricane Doors? Hurricane doors are sturdy and strengthened to endure the pressure of various elements like strong winds and impact from hurricanes. The doors are also able to handle impact from flying debris. Read More …

Considering A Fiberglass Entry Door? A Look At The Pros And Cons

25 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If it has been more than a few years since you updated the entry door on your home, you may be missing out on some of the benefits that come along with some of the newer doors that the market has to offer. One of these options is a high-quality fiberglass door. If you are considering the addition of a fiberglass entry door to your home, taking a moment to explore the pros and cons outlined below can help you to determine whether or not this type of door is the right choice for you. Read More …

3 Things To Consider When It Comes To Window Installation

10 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Window installation isn't a task most homeowners deal with often, but it's essential to get it right. Your windows impact your home's appearance and play a significant role in protecting it from the elements. Selecting windows that don't suit your home can hurt its energy efficiency in addition to its curb appeal. If you plan to put in new windows, here's what to consider before the installation begins. What Windows Meet Your Needs Read More …